Local Business Directory
Public Houses
The Decies Bar - Contact: Aine Curran - Tel: 024 96402
The Rising Sun - Contact: Colette Beresford -Tel: 024 96372 The Old Mill, Piltown - Contact: Kieran Allen- Tel: 024 92218
The Old Still, Clashmore - Contact: Joe Salmon - Tel: N/A
Retail Shops
Coonan's Quikpick, Piltown - Contact: Vinnie Coonan - Tel: 024 92231
CJ's Grocery, Clashmore - Contact: Same Tel: 024 96012
O'Malley's Shop - Contact: Noel O'Malley - Tel: 024 96235
Plant Hire - Groundworks
Pat Smiddy Plant - Contact: Pat Smiddy - Tel: 024 96427
Paud O'Keeffe - Contact: Paud O'Keeffe - Tel: 024 96488
PJ O'Connell Plant - Contact: PJ O'Connell - Tel: 024 96293
General Builders
Coughlan Construction - Contact: Noel Coughlan - Tel: 024 96893
Foley Construction - Contact: Michael Foley - Tel: 024 94329
Springfield Construction - Contact: Kieran Foley - Tel: 024 94480
O'Neill Construction - Contact: Mick O'Neill - Tel: 024 93486
Stillwell Construction - Contact: Brian O'Keeffe - Tel: N/A
Fitted Furniture Manufacturing
Kelly Fitted Furniture - Contact: Tom Kelly - Tel: 024 92958
Clarke Fitted Furniture - Contact: John Clarke - Tel: 024 94227
Agricultural Contractors
James Leahy Agri Contractor - Contact: James Leahy - Tel: 024 96659
Ger Trihy Agri Contractor - Contact: Ger Trihy - Tel: 024 96937
Seamus McGrath Agri - Contact: Seamie McGrath
David McGrath - Contact: David McGrath - Tel: 024 96391
Ml Barron Agri - Contact: Ml Barron - Tel: 024 93576
Businesses General
Deise Glazing - Contact: Derek Power - Tel: 058 43861
The Village Garage - Contact: Billy Connell - Tel: 024 96415
Quinn Sheet Metal - Contact: John Quinn - Tel: 024 91719
Blackwater Garden Centre - Contact: Mike McKenna - Tel: 024 92725
Keane Electrical - Contact: Gerry Keane - Tel: 91099
3 Mobile Installation & Sales - Contact: Seamus Landers - Tel: 085-1234256
National Schools
Ballycurrane National School - Tel: 024 96533
Clashmore National School - Tel: 024 96404
Kinsalebeg National School - Tel: 024 94247
If you wish to submit your business contact for inclusion please click here